A nonprofit can feed a community and build up a family all in the same neighborhood. If you're looking to make a difference and believe you can make an impact within your community via a nonprofit organization then, let us help you build your dream nonprofit.
For those who really have a desire to make a difference by building their dream nonprofit.
Non Profit Services
Having or starting a nonprofit company/organization in itself can be somewhat challenging, especially if you’re missing a few foundational financial pieces. No worries! We are here to help assist with all of those requirements that most Grant Funders look for and also the ones the Internal Revenue Service will request from every tax exempt organization.
So what is being tax exempt? To be legally taxed exempt as written under the IRS code the company will have been given a Letter of Tax Exempt status from the IRS stating that every contribution it receives allows it to give letters of contribution deductions to the givers.
Also, this letter allows the organization to receive free or matched grant funding from large trusts, foundations and other charitable entities; but it doesn’t stop there; this letter also gives the organization the right to be tax exempt (not pay taxes on received funds) under the tax code as long as the funds are not used to generate or sustain “for profit business.”
Now, if some of the funds are used in a for profit venture then only those used funds will be taxed. Here’s an example, if you have charitable contributions of $1 million dollars and the organization used $50,000 in a for profit art sales business, then only the money used and generated in that for profit business will be deemed taxable.
Are religious organizations tax exempt? For filing tax purposes some organizations like a religious one are deemed tax exempt but they are not IRS tax exempt charitable organizations unless the IRS has given them that status. What does this mean? This means that legally a church without being IRS tax exempt cannot authorize you a contribution letter to be filed on your income taxes. It means that you’re giving them the money as a charitable cause but, unless they have a Letter of Tax Exempt status they are not legally recognized as such for your tax purposes. The church or religious sect will need to have an authorized 501c3 Letter from the IRS and tax exempt status will be open to the public for all to view.
Don’t allow all that language in the above paragraph to worry you, We have established over 100 Tax Exempt organizations over the past 15 years and for every filing we get my clients approved on the first try. Why? Because we ae well aware of what the Internal Revenue Service is requesting from an organization which would like to be tax exempt.
Also, we do not take shortcuts, yes there’s a shorter way or form in which filings fees cost less but, I go the long route in order to get the best results!
The long road does require a lot of documentation but, nothing you will need to be concerned about because I will help you along the way while we pull everything together. We can talk more about this in our consulting phone call. In the meantime, the option for the package is below, if you have any questions please shoot us an email.
Non Profit Services Option:
501c3 Non Profit Tax Exempt Package
Capacity Building
Technical Assistance
Community Partnership to Increase Engagement