Individual Tax Preparation
Below is a list of services specifically for individual income tax services. These service are precise and exactly what you need when looking for an engaging income tax partner to prepare your filings
Individual Income Taxes
For Family and Retirees for all 50 States
Individual Income Taxes Description:
An individual tax return is an official form that a person submits to a federal, state, or local taxing agency to report all taxable income received during a specific period, usually the previous year. The recording of pertinent information assists in assessing the amount of tax that is due or was overpaid. The individual tax return is one of several types of forms used to report taxable income. Both single and married taxpayers; with or without dependents file a return. All file their returns on a version of IRS form 1040. Every individual filer who earns a certain amount of income must file this type of tax return. Individual taxpayers complete Form 1040 or Form 1040SR, a relatively new form that is an option for senior taxpayers.
Individual Income Tax Options:
1040 Return (Regular- no small business)
1040 w/ Sch. C (Small Business Profit/Loss Statement aka LLC)
1040 w/Sch. E (Rental Properties)
1040 w/ K1 (Shareholder or investment income)